Visha Chikitsa Outpatient (OP) Unit is designed to engage in diagnosis and treatment of animate (jangama visha) and inanimate (sthavara visha) poisoning, cumulative toxicity (gara visha and dooshi visha), incompatible food (viruddha ahara), alcoholism etc. Diagnosis & treatment for various skin diseases are also available.
Facilities available in the unit
Treatment for the bites of spiders, scorpions, worms and various insects. Complications of snake bite are also managed. Treatments are available for dermatological cases like urticaria, psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema, allergy, pimples, melasma, sun burn, dandruff, hair fall, alopecia, premature greying, crack foot, corn, warts; allergic rhinitis, wounds, varicose veins etc.
In-patient management is also provided for chronic cases. Various bloodletting procedures like leech technique (jalooka avacharana), venesection (siravedham) etc. are also available at the unit. In addition, advice and awareness sessions are provided