Shalakya Tantra

Shalakya Tantra which is one of the eight classical branches of Ayurveda deals with the description and treatment of organs seated above the clavicle region like the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Teeth. The Teaching and training about the disorders of the supra clavicular region are being imparted by this department. Department works under 3 major categories like Ophthalmology, ENT and Oro-Dental sciences. Department has developed the concept of speciality and taken up the task of individual OPD with specialised consultants for Ophthalmology, ENT and Oro-dental sciences. Department has come up with the innovative practices of Netratarpan, Shirodhara, Seka, Aschyotana, Anjana, Bidalaka, Karnapoorana, Karna Dhoopana, Nasya, Kaval, Gandusha and Dumapana. A set of eye exercises kept functioning as per the requirement of the disease and patients. These units work on standard operative procedures for conducting each and every therapy.
The main objectives of this department are to treat diseased persons with various eyes, ENT, and Head related diseases, to prevent diseases by taking a sincere effort in patient education regarding preventive aspects and life modifications and to pass out as a committed Ayurvedic surgeon an open-minded researchers, an efficient clinician who highly efficient in the pre and post-operative treatments and measures. Shalakya Tantra part first deals comprehensively study of various diseases of Netrarogas like Sandhigata rogas, Vartmagata rogas, Shuklagata rogas, Krishnagata rogas, Sarvagata rogas, Drishtigata rogas and other miscellaneous diseases. Part second deals with Karna, Nasa and Shirorogas and Mukha rogas. This part also deals with the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness. One out of the eight branches of Ayurveda, Shalakya Tantra deals with the aetiology, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment of diseases that are located above the human neck region. It is responsible for all types of problems in and around the head. The name of the branch is so called because of its excessive use of “Shalaka”, which means probe. The branch is also known by the name Urdhwanga Chikitsa.

Dr. Priya Patel

MS (Shalakya) Assistant Professor /Consultant
Dr Priya has completed her Undergraduate course from Himalayiya Ayurvedic College Rishikesh H.N.B Gharwal University Haridwar, Post-Graduation in ShalakyaTantra (M.S.-Ayu) from Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan , Haridwar , Uttrakhand Ayurveda University Dehradun.
The hospital service from the department will be under three special categories OPD like Ophthalmology, ENT & Oro-Dental. The department has developed the concept of speciality accordingly individual OPD with specialized consultants for Ophthalmology, ENT & Oro-dental sciences are running. The department has come up with innovative practices like the establishment of specialized hi-tech therapy units for the treatment of various eye, ENT &oro-dental diseases and these units work on standard operative procedures for conducting each and every therapy.
  • ENT OPD (Kama, Nasa & Shiro roga) has come up with the successful management of Allergic Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, various types of Headaches, Discharging ears, hearing problems, various problems related to hair, etc.
  • Ophthalmology OPD (Netra Vibhaga) has come up with the successful management of Allergic conjunctivitis, Dry Eye, Corneal Opacity, Amblyopia, various forms of Vitreo-retinal diseases, etc.
  • Dental OPD (Danta Vibhaga) has come up with the successful management of Gingivitis, Dental caries recurrent stomatitis, Oral sub-mucosal fibrosis, Halitosis and various dental diseases

Departmental Activities

Diagnosis and treatment of disorder related wit Shalakya.
Ocular physiotherapy especially yoga and eyesight.
Kriya Kalpa.
To provide the best possible patient care with utmost competence in the areas of medical, surgical, and para-surgical management, focusing on Ophthalmic, ENT and Oro-dental care.


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